Oslo School of Architecture and Design 2016 WORKS exhibition
AHO wishes to welcome you the the exhibition of this autumns studio works! Throughout the school we showcase student works in design, architecture and landscape architecture. Todays students are tomorrows architects, urbanists, landscape achitects and designers. Please come to AHO and … Continued
Media Lab Helsinki Christmas Demoday 2016 (pre-warning)
Hei, to any of you that might be in Helsinki in mid-December. The Media Lab’s Christmas Demoday will take place on the afternoon of Thursday December 15th in our premises in Espoo (Miestentie 3, 4th floor at Aalto University’s Otaniemi … Continued
Welcome to the NNISD forum!
Please be active by interacting with our colleagues here and by posting anything you believe is relevant to our community of interaction and service design educators and researchers!